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EFM (Event for the Month) November with the Theme - Sweets!

I am really thankful to all the bloggers and non-bloggers who participated in the EFM - Chicken. Round Up of the EFM - Chicken goes here.

Now its time to announce the theme for this month. Theme for EFM (Event for the Month) for the month of November is "Sweets". Hope Sweets are favorite to all of us and we have lot of varieties to taste. So, come out with all your sweet recipes and am awaiting eagerly for your sweet entries.

The most important thing is include any type of sweets except the cake varieties.

Rules for Participating in the Event:

1. Prepare any type of Sweet and post it in your blog in the month of November to December, 2008 with the logo and a link back to this page.

2. If you already have appropriate entry archived, please make sure to re post it with the logo and a link back to this page.

3. Provide a link back to this announcement page and use the logo without fail.

4. Subscribe to my blog via E-mail and it is a must to participate in the event.

5. Email your entry to, with "EFM Theme - Sweet" in the subject line with following details

* Your Name
* Blog Name
* Blog URL
* Recipe Name
* Recipe URL
* Photograph of final dish(200 x 200 Pixels) and it is a must.
* id which you have used to subscribe my blog.

6. The deadline for this event is December 15th, 2008. Please remember that no late entries will be entertained.

7. There is no limit to the number of entries.

8. If you don’t have a blog but wish to participate in this event, send your entries with a picture, your name and recipe to before the deadline. I will post the recipes with your picture in my blog and include it in the round-up.


Kalai said…
Sounds like a great event! Will try to contribute. :)
Srikitchen said…
Waiting for ur entries mahimaa amd kalai!
raaji said…
Hi srilekha........
Welcome back to blogging..
How was ur trip......
I guess u must be feeling bored here after a long trip.......
Madhavi said…
Very nice theme dear!!!
Usha said…
Nice theme...look forward to a lot of yummy treats at the roundup:-)
Jaishree Iyer said…
Hi srilekha, welcome back. nice theme. count me in
Andhra Flavors said…
nice event. will try to participate.
Unknown said…
wow nice event sri will try to post some
Sunshinemom said…
I will be sending my entry soon!
Pavani said…
nice event lekha,,it every one's favt.. iwill try to post some varieties
Finla said…
Coudn't come near the pc as was busy, will send you the sugar bread for your event and more :-)
Anonymous said…
Count me in ,Sri!
Nice event. shall I post my old one from my blog. jus started blogging and posting to events.

U have a nice space here. Nice to visit yr blog.
Vibaas said…
I'm in too. I'll be going on vacation in 2 weeks. will try to send as much as i can before that!
Unknown said…
Thanks for the information srilekhs,I am going to send an entry to this event.
Priya Suresh said…
Nice event Sri..i have something for u in my blog..pls collect it..
Bhawana said…
nice event Srilekha, I am in :). will send you one of my entry soon.
Pavani said…
iam sending my entry to the event..the name is
sugee sweet
Anonymous said…
Nice event Srilekha....Count me, will send my entry soon.
Srikitchen said…
thank u everybody and am expecting all ur entries eagerly!
vidhas said…
I am in the game srileka, nice event.
Ivy said…
Count me in as well.

I invite you and you friend to come and visit our Social network

Sheetal Kiran said…
Thanks for dropping by Srilekha .. wonderful event, count me in!
Finla said…
I have no idea why i can't subscribe, tommorw i will try from my daughter computer in her room.
She is busy learning now, so will leave her to it than distubing her.
Srikitchen said…
thanks everybody! will be expecting for ur entries!
Sangeeth said…
shweety I sent my entries to you.hope u got them!
Anonymous said…
Hey Srilekha...,
I wish I could participate...but I have my relatives over for the hols so busy quite a bit! (I guess u must know that ;-))
Also, i am more on a baking spree right now...its Chritmas time and I have learned the microwave's use in baking...its a new addiction...i hav been baking breads,fruit cakes, cup cakes etc. n they don't count as entry...:-(
(sob sob)
LifenSpice said…
Hey, cool event! I hope to send an entry soon:)
Srikitchen said…
its alright navitha!

thanks keerthana!
Priya Suresh said…
Hi entries r on the way..pls check it out..

Dibs said…
Hello! Thanks for your visit. Will surely participate!
Anonymous said…

sent you my entry.
Jayashree said…
will sure try and send in something
Gunjan Pandya said…
Nice idea Srilekha :)...thanks for visiting my blog...btw can give me idea how did u get this template...i am looking for good template with menu option :)
Sanghi said…
Hi Srilekha,

Nice event.
I'v sent some entries too :)
Neha said…
Thnax for the info, 'll try to send something . First time to ur blog , nice one...
Archy said…
Hey, thanks for letting me know.. mailed u.. Do check.. :)!!
Sharmi said…
will my carrot kheer workout for this?
Srikitchen said…
thanks gunjan!i edited a template with my own ideas!

thanks sanghi and Neha!

thanks archy for ur participation!

ya sure sharmi, u send it!
Dewi said…
Hi SriLekha,
This sounds like a very nice event. I am not sure about participating this month, maybe next month after the holiday season is over.
gtyuk said…
Hi SriLekha,

thanks for visiting my blog and for the comment.

Waiting eagerly for delicious sweet recipes at the roundup.
Srikitchen said…
thanks elra and akal!

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