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Back After a Long Break and Today's Recipe - Kaima / Chilli Idli

I am very happy to meet u all after a very long break and i really missed u all and your recipes!

I actually tried my favorite Kaima / Chilly Idli first time and no doubt that the taste was too good and awesome! Am a great fan of this recipe. Whenever I visit hotels i ask for this chilli idli. But Saravana Bhavan in Chennai really rocks with this recipe. It is called kaima idli in Saravana Bhavan and as chilly Idli in Vasantha Bhavan and it wont be too good there. Am sure that the taste in saravana Bhavan is unbeatable! you all try out this recipe in your kitchen and your kids will come and ask for some more and become die hard fan of this dish!

This dish will be suitable for dinner rather than for your breakfast. Once i prepared this dish and Served this it to my hubby, he was not able to guess the main ingredient of this dish. When i asked him to guess, he told me its potato and i said No. Then he told me that it is bread and again i said No. He couldn't guess what it was at last and when i told that it was idli, he was surprised and i won his appreciation too!

You can prepare this dish with leftover idlis and it requires no side dish at all and for those who want side dish, you can go for onion raitha!

Here goes the recipe!


Idlis - 5 ( cut into small cubes)
Onion - 1 (very finely chopped)
Tomato Sauce - 1 1/4 tsp
Garlic paste- 1/2 tsp
Green Chilly - 3 (slit lengthwise)
Capsicum - 1/2 (clean and cut into small cubes)
Red Chilly Powder - 1 tsp ( adjust it according to your taste buds)
Red Food color - a pinch
Curry Leaves - few
Aniseeds - 1/2 tsp
Coriander Leaves - few (to garnish)
Spring Onion - few ( finely chopped to garnish)
Salt - to taste
Cooking Oil

Cooking Instructions:

Cut the idlis into small cubes and deep fry it in oil to golden yellow color and till it becomes crisp. Remove it from oil and drain the excess oil with a kitchen towel or a tissue paper.

Heat 2 tbsp of oil in a pan and saute it with aniseeds. Add finely chopped onion and fry till it becomes soft and transparent. Add garlic paste and curry leaves to it and saute well till the raw smell of the garlic leaves off. Add tomato sauce, capsicum and cook it till the capsicum becomes soft. Now add chilli powder, food color and alittle salt require for this masala and fry it well for a while. sprinkle a little of water now and allow the masal to cook well and it takes for about 2 to 3 minutes.

Now add fried idli cubes to it and stir well for 3 to 4 minutes. Let the masala coat on all the sides of the idli pieces well. Sprinkle a little of water ( about 2 tbsp) at this stage to make idlis little soft and remember this its a dry dish and so you should not add more water because the the dish will be totally spoiled if you do so. Now add spring onion and stir the idlis well for 3 more minutes and let it become dry. Kaima idli is ready to serve! Garnish it with coriander leaves and Serve it hot with onion raitha!

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Finla said…
Welcome back and love what you have made with those idlies, they look so so yumm.
I do wish i knew how to do this when i was at home.
Nice to c u back.....Yummy Idli..
Manju said…
its good to see you back! :) i love these idlis from Saravana Bhavan and you seem to have recreated it pretty well!! :)
Parita said…
Wow wonderful way to use left over idlis..looks tasty :)
Vidhya said…
welcome back! I like this kaima idly concept and I make it very often cos you can make use of the leftover idllies :)
Looks colorful
Vijitha said…
Hi ya!
Even i am back after a pretty loooooonnng break.

Yummy idlies. Looks so good.
wow I love this recipe I missed it when I was in Chennai next time I go to India will order them looks great Rebecca
Welcome back. Happy to see u back to blogging. Nice idea with leftover idlis. Looks yummy.
Vrinda said…
Back with great dish..looks yuum..i too make almost similar dish with leftover idly,but no name for it, so i call madsala idli..but never fried idli,will try ur version soon..
Poornima Nair said…
Good to have u back...thats a lovely dish...never heard of it actually...
but looks really tempting.
deep fried idlis. who will not like these? lovely
Anonymous said…
welcome back - delicious dish!
Shreya said…
welcome back! yummy way to use leftover idlis:-)
I have also posted the same for chiili idli... but the presentation and the ingredients differ.......

Welcome Back!!
Preeti Singh said…
Seeing red idlis for the 1st time and it look very yummyyyy...
Unknown said…
welcome back and chilli idli recipe makes me mouthwatering wow drooling here yaar
notyet100 said…
idli looks yum,,,welcome bck
Saritha said…
Idlies looks yummy, welcome back :)
Kalyani said…
welcome back & a delicious idlis ...
Welcome back missed your recipes too!!! Looks very colorful and my fav too... I feel like having some now!!!
John said…
It looks so delicious
Thank for sharing
Khaugiri said…
Nice to see Me and my kitchen again in my mailbox. Lovely recipe......the name Kaima idli was new for me.
Mangala Bhat said…
wow! srilekha welcome back ...
Thanks fr ur comment@ my blog ..This chilli idli looks soo soucy and yummy ..mouthwatering recipe Thanks
Sindhura said…
Yummy!!Never heard of chilli idlis.Sure to try and let you know.Thanks for dropping!!
veena said…
wow ..
chilly idlies...mouthwatering recipe...will surely try this for my week end...thanks for the recipe

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