Milk – 600ml
Water – 750ml
Sugar – 150gms or to taste
Lime – 1 (extract juice from it)
Cooking Instructions:
Heat the milk in a heavy bottomed pan on a high flame. Once the milk starts to boil, add the lemon juice slowly and stir the milk gently. The milk will start to curdle slowly and keep stirring it in a slow flame for 3 minutes, until the milk fat is separated completely from the whey. Now strain the paneer in a thin muslin cloth.
Pour some cold water over the paneer to take out the flavor of the lemon juice. Now strain the water out, squeezing the cloth. The water in the paneer needs to be squeezed just enough so that the paneer is not too dry.
To check if enough water is out of the paneer, take a little piece of paneer on your palm and rub with your fingers. After rubbing the paneer for about 15-20 seconds, you should be able to make a firm but smooth ball. If the paneer is too dry, add a few drops of water, using the water squeezed from the paneer. Once the paneer is drained, rub with your palm until the paneer becomes smooth dough and your hands turn a little greasy. Divide the dough into equal parts and roll them into smooth balls. I got 10 small balls.
Mix required amount of sugar and water in a pressure cooker on high flame and bring to boil. Let it boil in simmer flame for about 5 minutes. The cooker should be large enough since the rasgullas will expand to double in size, once it is cooked. Now add the paneer balls in the cooker and close the pressure cooker and let it cook in high flame. As soon as you hear one whistle, simmer the flame and let it cook in simmer flame itself for about 6 minutes and switch off the flame.
Wait for few minutes and then release the pressure in the cooker and transfer the rasgullas and sugar syrup in a large bowl and refrigerate it atleast for 2 hours. Serve it chilled.
Sireesha has passed me the wonderful "Arte Y Pico "award. Thanks a lot sireesha for passing it to me and i feel honored to receive that from you.
The rules of the award are:
1. Choose five blogs you consider deserving of this award. (Creativity, interesting material, etc.)
2. Each award includes the name of the owner of the blog and his/her link.
3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.
4. Award winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of “Arte y Pico” blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award.
I love to pass this award to Ivy, Sathya, Vanisri, Priyanka, and shamma.
Milk – 600ml
Water – 750ml
Sugar – 150gms or to taste
Lime – 1 (extract juice from it)
Cooking Instructions:
Heat the milk in a heavy bottomed pan on a high flame. Once the milk starts to boil, add the lemon juice slowly and stir the milk gently. The milk will start to curdle slowly and keep stirring it in a slow flame for 3 minutes, until the milk fat is separated completely from the whey. Now strain the paneer in a thin muslin cloth.
Pour some cold water over the paneer to take out the flavor of the lemon juice. Now strain the water out, squeezing the cloth. The water in the paneer needs to be squeezed just enough so that the paneer is not too dry.
To check if enough water is out of the paneer, take a little piece of paneer on your palm and rub with your fingers. After rubbing the paneer for about 15-20 seconds, you should be able to make a firm but smooth ball. If the paneer is too dry, add a few drops of water, using the water squeezed from the paneer. Once the paneer is drained, rub with your palm until the paneer becomes smooth dough and your hands turn a little greasy. Divide the dough into equal parts and roll them into smooth balls. I got 10 small balls.
Mix required amount of sugar and water in a pressure cooker on high flame and bring to boil. Let it boil in simmer flame for about 5 minutes. The cooker should be large enough since the rasgullas will expand to double in size, once it is cooked. Now add the paneer balls in the cooker and close the pressure cooker and let it cook in high flame. As soon as you hear one whistle, simmer the flame and let it cook in simmer flame itself for about 6 minutes and switch off the flame.
Wait for few minutes and then release the pressure in the cooker and transfer the rasgullas and sugar syrup in a large bowl and refrigerate it atleast for 2 hours. Serve it chilled.
Sireesha has passed me the wonderful "Arte Y Pico "award. Thanks a lot sireesha for passing it to me and i feel honored to receive that from you.
The rules of the award are:
1. Choose five blogs you consider deserving of this award. (Creativity, interesting material, etc.)
2. Each award includes the name of the owner of the blog and his/her link.
3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.
4. Award winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of “Arte y Pico” blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award.
I love to pass this award to Ivy, Sathya, Vanisri, Priyanka, and shamma.
do visit my blog when u find time and leave ur comments and suggestions...
thanks rasmi for stopping by my blog! do visit often!
Thanks a lot for the Award. I am greatly honoured and I shall cherish it.
I hope you have fun during the round up. Will look forward to it.
thank u so much shreya and tell me how it comes out and it is really easy to prepare!
thanks ramya and try it and have it!
thanks aparna!
thank u ramya!
thanks raaji!
No probs divya! u join us with our next veg event!
thanks karuna for being my follower!
for me too its my fav deesha!
Congrats for the award and thank you very much for passing it to me!
will send u some rasagullas sathya!
thanks mahima!
Rasagullas are looking perfect!
I was trying to visit ur blog.. but it was not at all opening dont no y !!
U r tagged and an award waiting at my blog..!!
Thank for inviting Dear!! I'm vegetarian so, i cant participate in ur event !! Sorry !!
The rasgullas look yummy!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I will definitely try to send my recipe for the chicken event.
hi anitha! happy to have u here in my blog and will be expecting eagerly for ur entry!
thanks archy for stopping by my blog!
thank u suma and usha!