I am really thankful to all the bloggers who participated in the EFM - Savouries Series and made it successful!
Now its time to announce the theme for this month. Theme for EFM (Event for the Month) for the month of January is "Microwave Oven Recipes". Microwave Oven Recipes include recipes cooked in microwave, grilled recipes and convection / baking recipes ( cookies, cakes).So, come out with all your microwave oven recipes and am awaiting eagerly for your entries.
Rules for Participating in the Event:
1. Prepare any type of recipes in microwave oven,and post it in your blog in the month of January 21,2009 to February 28,2009 with the logo and a link back to this page.
2. If you already have appropriate entry archived, please make sure to re-post it during the period of event with the logo and a link back to this page. Only the entries re-posted during the entry will be accepted.
3. Provide a link back to this announcement page and use the logo without fail.
4. Subscribe my blog via E-mail.
5. Email your entry to srikitchen@gmail.com, with "EFM Theme - Microwave Oven Series" in the subject line with following details
* Your Name
* Blog Name
* Blog URL
* Recipe Name
* Mode of Cooking[Microwave/Grill/Convection(baking)]
* Recipe URL
* Photograph of final dish(200 x 200 Pixels) and it is a must.
* id which you have used to subscribe my blog
6. The deadline for this event is February28,2009. Please remember that no late entries will be entertained.
7. There is no limit to the number of entries.
8. If you don’t have a blog but wish to participate in this event, send your entries with a picture, your name and recipe to srikitchen@gmail.com before the deadline. I will post the recipes with your picture in my blog and include it in the round-up.
I am looking forward to the round up.
Te see what all they are going to make in MW
count me in
keep visiting ...hey i have already posted 2 entries ..what do u want me to do ? re post means ? i don't get u ?plz help me ....
Nice theme....count me in !
you too have a kewl blog.